Now, more than ever, Christians must rise above the chaos and confusion of lies in the earthly and worldly spirit realm, and abide with God in the 3rd heaven spirit realm of the Throne Room. There we can know God's perfect will in this transformative era of world history He has called us to live through and usher in the answers to centuries of prayers that HIS Kingdom come and HIS will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. A great place to begin is worship in the Holy Spirit through the Psalms for our nation. Fast Forward to June 2023 When I first started this blog post in July 2020, I was consumed with helping a dearest loved one through a health crisis that would span into the next year. No--it had NOTHING to do with what we now know to be revealed as government, global genocide and depopulation efforts in the oversell, deadly advice on care, and fear porn of a suped up flu/common cold. That was a huge inconvenience in light of the health issues and losses my loved one had been enduring. With so much going on that summer of 2020, I never got back to finishing this post. It just sat with the image and opening saved in my post drafts queue. BUT NOW . . . Here we are three years later on the cusp of summer in 2023 and the personal and global battles on every front appear to have reached critical mass. My dear one recovered and is well, but in the summer of 2021, my own husband and ministry partner Ed, was attacked with a very aggressive prostate cancer calling us to full time spiritual warfare, on a level we'd never known, as he fought for his life. We learned so much about prayer! We unlearned even more from decades of ingrained bad theology regarding the true nature of faith, the authority we have in Jesus Christ, and moreso--the true nature of God and His purposes in the earth. This brought even more clarity to Matthew 6:9-13, The Lord's Prayer, as it is historically referred to. What I learned in our cruicible time built on the revelation I'd received a decade earlier regarding the plan and purpose of that model prayer--and especially what Jesus meant by His Kingdom come and His Will done, became another watershed moment in my life walk with Him. The Revelation When Jesus instructed His disciples in how to pray, He called them to first glorify Father God as holy and above all--and then declare the thing He desired most: That HIS KINGDOM COME and I suddenly saw a rote memorized prayer, that we've all mumbled for centuries, (unseating the words from any real power when vainly repeated without comprehension) as "rockets red glare" and "bombs bursting in air," giving proof that Victory in Jesus won 2000 years ago is absolute--and our full liberty in ALL things is assured. Not only is the purpose of the church--EKKLESIA--God's legislative governing body on earth--to be more about establishing His Kingdom on earth as in Heaven, beyond the mere saving of souls, but it is the NATIONS that God has interest in. His full Will and Way restored in culture and human society worldwide, just as it was at Creation and before the fall of man. Adam's sin relinquished to Satan all the authority God had given him and Eve to establish His Kingdom on earth--where His glory filled all things. That glory was removed and God set in place a long game plan to unseat Satan and restore all things to Himself. And He would do this using the now corrupted man and woman He'd made for relationship in the image and likeness of Himself. He desired to redeem and establish His Kingdom working in relationship through His Creation--you and me. Daily, He gives us everything necessary to fulfill that call to the restoration of all things, making way for His glory to fill the earth. His forgiveness of our sin through the shed Blood, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is key and the central moment in all human history. We are now spiritually empowered to be conduits of forgiveness in the lives of others and transformers of culture and society in restored relationship with our Creator. God NEVER leads us into temptation. He DELIVERS us from evil. Every time. THAT, is the biblical record. We are living through just such a time as that in our nation and in all the nations of the world. The fact that we see evil so boldly exposed on a global scale, brought into the light and shouted from rooftops what had once been hidden in the dark and whispered about in dank corners, proves Satan has lost. Embedded bastions of evil that had been there all the time are now being forced out. The righteous Light of the Lord stirring in the earth brings exposure of evil and precedes judgment. (Mark 4:22) In the Light of God's glory hovering over His earth, judgment of the wicked is assured as righteousness is exalted. Kingdom restoration can fully proceed in an unprecedented acceleration. Because--the Kingdom, the glory, and the power belong to God, and God alone!! Huzzah! When Heaven and Earth Embrace September 19, 2022, I bid my husband and ministry partner farewell from earth and saw him welcomed into his Father's arms in Heaven. That cancer battle did not end with the type of victory I'd hoped to see--him preserved on earth for decades yet of ministry ahead. Even so--in Christ he still wins and gains the embrace of Heaven in Heaven. I remain to complete our assignment here--establish His Kingdom and Will, EMBRACED ON EARTH as it is in Heaven. Ten years ago, the Lord dropped that phrase into my spirit. I initially thought it to be the title of a book. I even designed the cover for it with absolutely no idea what the book was to be about. None. Zero. Other than another compilation of devotional thoughts, I had no further direction on the book beyond the phrase that I explored in this book cover visual: The little girl on the cover reminded me of what I looked like as a child. I even remember having a little checked shirt like she's wearing. I certainly did have a mass of brown curls like she has.
And I knew, even as a child, that I could sense the presence of the Lord in a soft summer Holy Spirit wind when I ran about outside in the open fields near the house where I grew up. My right brain creative, intuitive, child developed there, prepared for my life assignment years before I would meet my Jesus face to face, born again as a young adult . . . . . . When Heaven and Earth Embraced in my life. I have never lost that child. But, she, like all of us, has suffered abuse in a corrupt realm. Over the lasat ten years, I grew to understand that this was not a book title. It was a divine revelation of God's Word, of His plan and purpose and my part to play in His Story. His Story in the lives of everyone I touch with influence. His Story in my American Christian nation restored to its Divine Purpose. His Story on the world stage, establishing His Kingdom and Will and Glory over all the earth. Selah! Psalms for the Nations It's all there--in the Psalms. Start with Psalm 1 and learn who God called you to be. Then go onto Psalm 2 and you'll fully grasp His whole plan and purpose and completed work in Christ Jesus for all the nations: Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their cords from us.” He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure: “Yet I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion.” “I will declare the decree: The Lord has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have begotten You. Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’ ” Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, And rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him. Psalm 2 NKJV Continue in the Psalms for the Nations For details on various battles, keep reading through the Psalms. Declare aloud the verses that announce victory. Glorify God for He has triumphed over all of sin and death and every evil, perverse thing that Satan infected human hearts, governments, cultures, and societial influences with. And as we step into the fires of this June with devils prancing about waving their PRIDE banners and shoving Satan's plans and purposes down our throats at every turn, in every store, on every big screen TV--vomit it right back into his face and proclaim his defeat! Pride comes before a fall--that is the Word of the LORD! (Proverbs 16:18) And when Pride falls, it is crushed under the foot of Christ Jesus our LORD and Deliverer . . . and made His footstool! The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.” The Lord shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion. Rule in the midst of Your enemies! Psalm 110:1-2 This Moment in His Story I sure miss my Ed Gods comforts and mercies have truly been new every morning and He holds me so close as I walk through the stages of grief. Stewarding my husband's memory and ministry legacy is a joy. As the Lord has directed me to move forward, I can already sense the multiplication of Ed's legacy as a biblical storyteller. On the first anniversary of his Homegoing in mid-September, we release the first of his much anticipated chapter book series for kids 7-12. Based upon his popular local storytelling character, Clementine Jones, digging for Gold in God's Word, I reformatted the live performance stories for contempory kid readers in a children's print book format. With the addition of a young protagonist, Ollie Quackenbush and his family, readers can discover Clementine Jones' Gold Nugget Chronicles through Ollie's eyes and learn to dig out Spirit-filled Gold Nugget Truths--then spend it by applying it to their lives in Kingdom building adventures. This series is designed for all who choose to step into their Kingdom authority on earth as it is in Heaven--then lead their children and families to do so, too. THIS fulfills God's purposes in His Word here and now! Declare and Pray the Psalms over our nation, nations, your families, and spheres of influence, and over every battle that looms before you with toothless threats, in the Victory of the Kingdom of God and His glory covering all the earth. Spend every Gold Nugget you dig out of God's Word along the way and be a part of when Heaven and earth embrace!
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