Teach your family American history, government, economics, and civics with THE TUTTLE TWINS BOOKS, story-based elementary and high school level stories and follow-up assignments.
Read aloud, discuss, and apply these conservative, capitalist, free-market economy principles that are foundational to American exceptionalism and prosperity, lifting millions worldwide out of poverty and slavery into plenty and liberty.
These principles are critical elements to educating the American mind and exercising responsible, informed citizenship that is necessary to steward freedom, prosperity, individual liberty, justice, and law and order in our nation.
Pageant Wagon Publishing is an AFFILIATEwith TUTTLE TWINS BOOKS teachingAmerican Constitutional Republican government, economics, and free enterprise principles through the power of story! Your purchase of these excellent books for grades K through high school from this AFFILIATE LINK helps Pageant Wagon Publishing continue our mission to provide quality resources to help American Christian families steward the next generation of American Christian citizen-servants for God's glory in His Story!
Tuttle Twins Monthly Magazine!
Tuttle Twins has a new monthly magazine for kids: The Tuttle Times.
Delivered to your mailbox each month, this magazine will provide your children more activities, lessons, and information about current events and important topics.
They've "beta tested" it with a number of families and received RAVE reviews!
Maximize the magazine to help your children even more!
Join the Tuttle Twins Tribe!
It's an exclusive membership program that includes the printed monthly magazine delivered to your mailbox, as well as:
All electronic (PDF) issues of the Tuttle Times monthly magazine
Access to the private Facebook group (we'll be shutting down our current one)
Weekly writing prompts about the topics from each month's magazine
Monthly live video Q&As with author Connor Boyack to discuss the magazine contents
Behind the scenes content, exclusive deals, and much more
DISCLAIMER: I want to make clear that the promotion of the Tuttle Twins series of books on economics, government, and American History founded and written by a member of the Morman LDS Church in no way should be assumed as a Pageant Wagon Publishing endorsement of the Mormon LDS Church and its doctrines.
The book series does not address God or faith in the stories other than in passing and does not teach any tenets of the LDS church. It presents an age appropriate explanation of liberty vs tyranny, American capitalist, law, economics, and governmental principles that are important for ALL Americans--and especially children--to learn, in order for them to critically discern anti-American principles in liberty, law, government, economics, morality, and the traditions of America. This series of books are a first level introduction to these critical concepts of a free nation.
To explore these principles in greater depth and their connection to Christianity, Biblical Truth, and the Christian History of our nation, Pageant Wagon Publishing encourages you to visit the FOUNDATION FOR AMERICAN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION which has complete scope and sequence for Kindergarten through 12th Grade students and PRINCIPLE APPROACH EDUCATION resources for the homeschool and private school classroom.
Pageant Wagon Publishing FULLY ENDORSES the teaching and learning resources of the Foundation for American Christian Education and Principle Approach Education which places the clear biblical teachings of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and the Kingdom purposes of God Almighty in earth as it is in Heaven, advanced through the Great Commission discipling of nations, at the center and as the pinacle of all life and learning.